On this page we have gathered instructions for instances of service disruptions or failures. Most of the problems can be solved with the help of these instructions alone.
On this page we have gathered instructions for instances of service disruptions or failures. Most of the problems can be solved with the help of these instructions alone.
Many disruptions can be solved by restarting the devices (eg. modems, set top boxes, phones, etc.). Try restarting your device and if the problem persists, see our detailed troubleshooting instructions below.
Find internet disruptions and incidents on the map (FI)
If the disruption is already known, there is no need to report it to us. We are already busy working on the problem and will do everything we can to solve it as soon as possible!Once the problem has been solved, restart your device.
Choose the most suitable option for you:
Tips for troubleshooting
If there are no known disruptions, troubleshooting tool in OmaElisa helps you solve the fault situations with Elisa’s internet connections. Most problems can be solved with the troubleshooting tool.
My phone or tablet is in need of maintenance, what should I do? Check out our device maintenance instructions